Scientific seminars

In this 17th edition of the ISBP events, a series of 10 scientific seminars were presented starting from May 6 until July 8.
The Organizers warmly thank speakers and chairmen who made this serie of webinars possible and a huge success!

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May 6, 13h00 CET     >>>>>     link to the recorded presentation

Polyhydroxyalkanoates and stress robustness of bacteria
Dr. Stanislav Obruča, BRNO University of Technology, Czech Republic

May 13, 13h00 CET    >>>>>    link to the recorded presentation

A hybrid model for the production of PHA in continuous cultures
Speaker 1: Dr. Andrea Ochsner, University of applied sciences and arts of Western Switzerland, Switzerland
Speaker 2: Dr. Martin Francisco Luna, Ingar, CONICET-UTN, Santa Fe, Argentina

May 20 , 13h00 CET    >>>>>   link to the recorded presentation

Presentation 1: From fossil fuel-based plastics to bioplastics through model-driven and synthetic biology-assisted engineering of Pseudomonas putida KT2440
Speaker 1: Dr. Maria-Tsampika Manoli, CIB-CSIC & SusPlast-CSIC, Madrid, Spain

Presentation 2: Crystal structure of PHA synthase and the unexpected open-closed heterodimer
Speaker 2: Dr. Min Fey (Adrian) Chek, Nara Institute of Science and Technology, Japan

May 27, 13h00 CET    >>>>>   link to the recorded presentation

Presentation 1: Monitoring and control of polyhydroxyalkanoate production from oleaginous feedstocks by photo density wave sprectroscopy
Speaker 1: Bjoern Gutschmann, Technische Universität Berlin, Chair of Bioprocess Engineering, Berlin, Germany

Presentation 2: Engineering Burkholderia sacchari to enhance polyhydroxyalkanoates production from xylose: Production, analysis and application
Speaker 2: Dr. Edmar Ramos Oliveira-Filho, University of São Paulo, Laboratory of Bioproducts, Dpt of Microbiology, Institute of Biomedical Sciences, São Paulo, Brazil

June 3, 13:00 CET   >>>>>   link to the recorded presentation

Presentation 1: The industrial trends and research developments of polyhydroxyalkanoates
Speaker 1: Dr. Jian Wen Ye, South China Univesity of Technology, China 

Presentation 2: Policy initiatives curbing plastics use and their effects on PHA use & proliferation
Speaker 2: Anindya Mukherjee, Global Organisation for PHA, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

June 10, 13:00 CET  >>>>>  link to the recorded presentation

Presentation 1: PolyP and PHB metabolism : Absence of polyP in Ralstonia europha reduces PHB accumulation at high C to P conditions
Speaker 1: Hanna Rosigkeit, Institute of Microbiology, University Stuttgart, Germany

Presentation 2: Unexpected properties of polyP kinases in Ralstonia eutropha
Speaker 2: Jennie Hildenbrand, Institute of Microbiology, University of Stuttgart, Germany

June 17, 13:00 CET   >>>>>  link to the recorded presentation 

Presentation 1 :  PET as a non-conventional feedstock for the synthesis of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) 
Speaker 1: Tanja Narancic, School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin (UCD), Dublin, Ireland.

Presentation 2: Microfibrillated cellulose : applications and potential alternative feedstock 
Speaker 2: Eya Damergi, Institute of Environmental Engineering, Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.      

June 24 - 13:00 CET   >>>>>  link to the recorded presentation 

Presentation 1 : Processing and highly ordered structure analyses of strong and elastic poly[(R)-3-hydroxybutyrate-co-4-hydroxybutyrate] fiber
Speaker 1: Mr. Taku Omura, University of Tokyo, Japan

Presentation 2: Environmental degradability of poly(ethylene succinate) that could be hydrolyzed by poly(3-hydroxybutyrate)-degrading enzymes
Speaker 2: Assist. Prof. Miwa Suzuki, University of Tokyo, Japan

July 1 - 13:00 CET   >>>>>  link to the recorded presentation 

Presentation 1 : Gluten network development under shear load
Speaker 1: Leonhard Vidal, PhD Student at the Technical University of Munich  (TUM), School of Life Sciences Weihenstephan, Institute of Brewing and Beverage Technology, Germany

Presentation 2: PHA biodegradation in marine environment: an innovative approach
Speaker 2: Gabrielle Derippe and Léna Philip, PhD Students at The Microbial Oceanography Laboratory (LOMIC) and Plastic@sea, CNRS, France

July 8 - 13:00 CET >>>>>  link to the recorded presentation 

Presentation 1 : mcl-PHA films for biomedical applications
Speaker 1: Dr. Jasmina Nikodinovic-RunicEco-Biotechnology & Drug Development Group, Laboratory for Microbial Molecular Genetics and Ecology, Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering; University of Belgrade

Presentation 2: Superior thermal stability and fast crystallization behavior of a novel, biodegradable α-methylated bacterial polyester
Speaker 2: Dr. Takeharu Tsuge, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Yokohama, Kanagawa, Japan


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18th International Symposium on Biopolymers, SWITZERLAND (in face-to-face format)

>> Postponed to 2022 !

isbp2021@hevs.ch - www.isbp2021.com

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HES-SO Valais-Wallis